Episode 56: SNABPI Conference 2019 Creating a community through photography with Yasin Osman

Yasin is an award-winning Toronto-based photographer and visual storyteller who specializes in capturing evocative images of the living world. Raised in Regent Park (Toronto, Canada), Osman began to take photos to document his rapidly changing neighborhood. In 2015, Osman founded [ShootForPeace](http://yescene.com/shootforpeace), a photo mentorship program in Regent Park, blending his background in early childhood education and passions for youth empowerment and photography.

Yasin is an award-winning Toronto-based photographer and visual storyteller who specializes in capturing evocative images of the living world. Raised in Regent Park (Toronto, Canada), Osman began to take photos to document his rapidly changing neighborhood. In 2015, Osman founded [ShootForPeace](http://yescene.com/shootforpeace), a photo mentorship program in Regent Park, blending his background in early childhood education and passions for youth empowerment and photography. The program has received sponsorship from CANON and media coverage from Upworthy, American Photo Mag and CNN. Osman uses photography to showcase stories of perseverance, resilience, and community.

In 2017 he traveled to Somalia to collaborate with LoveArmy, a humanitarian organization founded by Jerome Jarre, Casey Neistat, Ben Stiller & Chaka.

During Osman’s time in Somalia, he collaborated with world-renowned artist JR and Osman’s photos were pasted onto multiple water trucks all over the country. Additionally, he has worked with UNICEF, MacLeans Magazine and VICE. Through social media platforms ) (195k) Osman has accumulated over 200 thousand followers and told powerful stories of marginalization, culture, and religion. Osman exhibited his portraits of Somalia at Daniels Spectrum, his exhibit ‘Dear Ayeeyo’ (Dear Grandmother) ran from May 4 - June 16th, 2018.

(Speaker biography courtesy of SNABPI)






